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Weighted Mean

1) Automobile Selling Prices: Find the weighted mean price of three models of automobiles sold. The number and price of each model sold are shown in this list.

Model Number Price
A 8 $10,000
B 10 $12,000
C 12 $8,000

2) Diet Cola Preference: A recent survey of a new diet cola reported the following percentages of people who liked the taste. Find the weighted mean of the percentages.

Area % Flavored Number Surveyed
1 40 1000
2 30 3000
3 50 800

3) Costs of Helicopters: The costs of three models of helicopters are shown here. Find the weighted mean of the costs of the models.

Model Number sold Cost
Sunscraper 9 $427,000
Skycoaster 6 $365,000
High-flyer 12 $725,000